Our news

The evolution of Lamination films

As part of our investment program for 2019, we have invested € 1,700,000 for innovative lamination film technology and equipment.

EVO film is the answer to high-quality materials required for lamination and consists the evolution during production of specialized films for industrial use, such as food packaging and personal hygiene products.

EVO technology is the result of research and analysis on the specific requirements of lamination procedure that delivers competitive advantages.

  • High quality film with maximum flatness and minimized curvature (Camper)
  • Excellent thickness tolerance
  • Achieve higher, 30% on average, printing and laminating speeds
  • Ability to reduce glue on laminates by up to 20%
  • Higher processing speeds
  • Minimize Curl after laminating
  • Edge Trim Minimization Up to 50%

LDPE film for printing

  • Improved Dot Gain during printing
  • Longer life of prints
  • Faster printing

Our new product is the ally for the industry that apply Lamination.